Discovering the Other goes hand in hand with Discovering Yourself. You cannot have one without the other. On the one hand, you cannot discover your own identity except, as J Krishnamurti puts it, ‘through the mirror of relationships’. All of
Frameworks for understanding & managing diversity part 4. Values differences
This is the fourth in a series of articles on frameworks for understanding and managing diversity. Part 1 looked at different developmental stages. Part 2 looked at the huge issue of cultural diversity. Part 3 looked at the sensitive question
Frameworks for understanding & managing diversity part 3. Religious differences
This is the third in a series of articles on frameworks for understanding and managing diversity. Part 1 looked at different developmental stages. Part 2 looked at the huge issue of cultural diversity. This article aims to give an appreciation
Frameworks for understanding & managing diversity part 2. Cultural differences.
What is culture? How does it shape us? These are not easy questions to answer. We are as immersed in culture as a fish in water. We take it for granted, like the air we breathe, to the point where