Trust HandshakeIf your people trust you, they will do a lot for you.

A 2012 survey of Australian companies each with over 1000 employees found that when employees trust their employers:

  • 94.5% enjoy their work environment much more
  • 67% intend to stay in the organisation long term
  • 89.8% will recommend applying for jobs within the organisation to others
  • 86% will use their company’s products or services in their personal life
  • 91.7% will recommend the organisation’s products or services to others
  • 84.5% will support their manager’s decisions
  • 61.3% don’t consider their salary to be an important factor affecting their work
  • 94% are prepared to go the extra mile to do their job

If trust was simple enough to be taught in a half-day management training programme, there would be a lot more of it. But despite the known benefits of trust, the same 2012 survey of employees found that just 38% trust their CEOs. And in the wider public, the 2014 Edeleman Trust Barometer found that 48% of Australians do not trust business leaders at all while only 7% are willing to trust their leaders a great deal. The recently released 2015 Edelman Trust Barometer found that trust is on the decline across all sectors, including business.

Among white collar employees, only one in five fully trust their organisation and just one in four highly trust their manager.

Trust is a metaskill, existing at a higher level than skills such as communication or management. Metaskills are made up of the way we see ourselves and others. They consist of the beliefs, attitudes and habits which drive our behaviours. Whereas skills can be taught in a training environment, metaskills are better taught in a coaching or mentoring environment.

The Trusted Leaders mentorship programme consists of a series of five sessions conducted either face to face (in Melbourne only) or online. These sessions are tailored to your own unique circumstances and are designed to help you start increasing the levels of trust among the people you live and work with.

The sessions will cover, amongst other things:

  • The Six Facets of Trust of the HuTrust model: Stability; Development; Vision; Competency; Relationship and Benefit
  • Understanding your own unique strengths and the strengths of others in your team through the Talent Dynamics profiling tool
  • Understanding your own behavioural drivers and the diverse drivers of others you interact with
  • Identifying and managing conflict, including the hidden conflicts which sap energy and performance
  • Understanding the matrix of blame and shame around perceived failures which prevents learning, avoids accountability and responsibility and destroys trust.

In the case of teams wanting to increase levels of trust and trust-competency, the individual sessions can be supplemented with one or two-day group training programmes, which will give participants an understanding of their HuTrust profiles as well as a strengths based understanding of themselves and others in their team.

For more information, contact Mike Lowe on 0435 493545



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