This is the sixth article in a series on 10 keys to high performing teams. You can see the original post here. When organisations want to lift performance, often the first strategy that comes to mind is to set goals – perhaps
Keys to high performing teams part 5 – catching people doing things right
This is the fifth article in a series on 10 Keys to High Performing Teams. This article looks at the “sticks and carrots” approach of traditional performance management systems. The article draws on research from behavioural psychology to show why
Keys to high performing teams part 2 – Crystal clarity on roles and responsibilities
This is the second in a series of posts exploring 10 keys to getting high performing teams. This one looks at the second key: getting crystal clarity on responsibilities and what is expected. I’m a keen amateur photographer and I
Some frameworks for understanding and managing diversity
Diversity is a huge topic. Trying to get our heads around the idea that each of the 7 billion people is unique is just impossible. We may understand it at an abstract level, but not in a way that really